
Thursday, 20 June 2019

Weekly Sparkly Update 6/21/19

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Welcome back to my blog.

Today is Sparkle Day so leave a little sparkle wherever you go!  Today we had to dress up in something sparkly and make the day positive and to be kind.

We started in the morning where we had a mini concert and listened to the Get Your Sparkle On song and it was fun. I also have a photo that I can show you. 

This week we've also been doing reading and I've done and book review - here it is.

The Ski Trip  By Dave Armstrong BOOK REVIEW

The ski trip is about a class that has a teacher that likes skiing and she wanted to take the class on a ski trip so they had to fundraise and earn money. What I liked about the story was that the teacher wanted to take them skiing and that they had to earn the money themselves. What I didn't like about the story was that it didn't have much pictures so I didn't get a look in my head of what it be like doing it in real life. I recommend this story for people over 8 and people who enjoy fiction books and people who like snow and skiing. I rate this story an 8 because sometimes they have one sentence with two subjects and think its in the same subject but it's a completely different.

I hope you enjoyed my blog, Happy Sparkle Day! ('-')

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