
Thursday, 26 September 2019

Term 3 update


This term was FUN! we had lots of activity like market day I was with Isaac and we made over 10 dollars it was awesome. We also did maori myths and legends instead of R.E we did lots of art of myths and legends I chose to do maui and the sun. We also did a slide so i'll show it to you.
We did production I was not part of an actual scene but I was in a school dance called HEY TA! we practised for about 6 weeks practised the words and actions. Luka was the main part he was the teacher and had over 100 lines . I was happy after the play because it was nice to know Mrs Campbell wasn't as grumpy.
Thank you reading my term blog enjoy your day.

Thursday, 19 September 2019


This week we had production it was boring but at least I brought UNO

This week I loved doing myths legends here's my Maui slide show we also made art I made an art of Maui and the sun ill tell you the story of. When the sun god Tama-Nui-te-ra rose the next morning, he was caught in the noose of rope they had made. The brothers all pulled the rope and Maui, with the magic jaw-bone of Murirangawhenua struck the sun godMaui ordered Tama-nui-te-ra to travel more slowly across the sky and the days became longer.



day 2 isolation  I get to hang out with papa because he is always aways so YAY! we watched a movie last night its good because we do...